Стандартизированный экстракт американского женьшеня, без спирта, 2000 мг, 1 жидкая унция (30 мл) Nature's Answer

Nature's Answer Стандартизированный экстракт американского женьшеня, без спирта, 2000 мг, 1 жидкая унция (30 мл)

нет отзывов
Артикул: 6279299
Цвет: Нет цвета (No color)
Размер: 1 fl oz
Срок годности: 12/2026
2 750 ₽
Описание товара
Переведено автоматически
  • Since 1972
  • Promotes Energy & Healthy Cognitive Function 
  • Panax Quinquefolius 
  • Discover Natures Answer®
  • Gluten-Free
  • Herbal Supplement 
  • Kosher Parve 
  • Bio-Chelated® Cold Extraction Process 

Our alcohol-free extracts are produced using our cold Bio-Chelated® proprietary extraction process, yielding a Holistically Balanced® Advanced Botanical Fingerprint® extract in the same synergistic ratios as in the plant.

What is American Ginseng?

American Ginseng grows wild in the Eastern United States in the shade of northern hardwood forests. American Ginseng contains beneficial constituents including ginsenosides and polysaccharides which is why we’ve created our American Ginseng supplement. American Ginseng is considered a ‘yin tonic’, cool, calming, and not as warming and stimulating as Asian Ginseng.

What is American Ginseng Extract used for?

American Ginseng liquid extract helps balance physical and mental function, in a calming, non-stimulating manner, perfect for today’s busy lifestyle. If you’re looking for brain health supplements to add to your diet, liquid American Ginseng extract is a great place to start.

Suggested use

As a dietary supplement take 1-2 mL (28-56 drops) three (3) times a day in a small amount of water.

Shake well.

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