5-Quart Sharps MailBack Kit (Includes Waste Processing & Disposal Service) Active50 Solutions, Inc.

Active50 Solutions, Inc. 5-Quart Sharps MailBack Kit (Includes Waste Processing & Disposal Service)

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Артикул: 6994586
Цвет: Нет цвета (NOCOLOR)
Размер: NOSIZE
6 420 ₽
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Perfect for home healthcare providers, self-injectors, small quantity generators, or even larger quantity generators, the MailAway process is easy: Simply collect, store and ship your sharps directly to our treatment facility using our pre-paid system via the U.S Postal Service. Our safe and easy to use system is a convenient means to dispose of used needles, syringes, lancets, and other items classified as medical waste. The Solutions, inc. MailAway Service provides a wide range of containers and mailing systems to fit all sharps disposal needs, no matter the size. Included in the MailAway Kit is: A sharps container of selected size for the collection of medical waste. A single pre-paid return mailing box for returning waste through the U.S Postal Service to our treatment facility.
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