Noni Liquid Extract, Organic Noni (Morinda citrifolia) Tincture, Herbal Supplement, Hawaii Pharm, Made in USA, 4 fl.oz Hawaii Pharm

Hawaii Pharm Noni Liquid Extract, Organic Noni (Morinda citrifolia) Tincture, Herbal Supplement, Hawaii Pharm, Made in USA, 4 fl.oz

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Артикул: 7046258
Цвет: Нет цвета (NOCOLOR)
Размер: NOSIZE
4 220 ₽
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Noni (Morinda citrifolia) is found in the wild on the coast of the Hawaiian Islands, on the sandy shores of Australia, as well as on the island of Guam. Despite the small height of the tree - no more than 7 meters - the length of its roots can reach more than 30 meters. The plant blooms and bears fruit 12 months a year. The dark green shiny Noni leaves are streaked with deep veins. The flowers are small, white in color. The fruits are oval in shape, 7-10 cm long, in appearance remotely resembling potatoes. There are many small seeds inside the fruit. Unripe fruits are green in color; turn to light yellow or white when ripen. The skin becomes almost transparent.
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