Gotu Kola Alcohol-Free Liquid Extract, Organic Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica) Dried Leaf Glycerite Hawaii Pharm Natural Herbal Supplement 4 oz Hawaii Pharm

Hawaii Pharm Gotu Kola Alcohol-Free Liquid Extract, Organic Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica) Dried Leaf Glycerite Hawaii Pharm Natural Herbal Supplement 4 oz

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Артикул: 7047267
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4 220 ₽
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The origin of Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica) is the Indian Ocean basin (India, Sri Lanka, southern Africa, Madagascar). Distributed in Southeast, East and South Asia, Northern Australia, found in Papua New Guinea. Gotu Kola is a perennial flowering plant. The direct rhizome grows vertically down. The branched pubescent stem is located on the surface of the soil. In nature, the color of the plant varies from green to red-green. Whole Centella Asiatica leaves are arranged in bunches and attached to the stem by long petioles. Petals are pink in color. Flowering begins in June and ends in October. In the fall, roundish brown fruits (merikarpii) appear, flattened on both sides.
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