Hawaii Pharm Marshmallow Alcohol-FREE Liquid Extract, Organic Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) Dried Leaf Glycerite Natural Herbal Supplement, USA 2 oz Hawaii Pharm

Hawaii Pharm Hawaii Pharm Marshmallow Alcohol-FREE Liquid Extract, Organic Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) Dried Leaf Glycerite Natural Herbal Supplement, USA 2 oz

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Артикул: 7047325
Цвет: Нет цвета (NOCOLOR)
Размер: NOSIZE
2 750 ₽
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Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) grows in almost all of Europe, with the exception of the northern regions of the Scandinavian countries and Scotland. Althaea officinalis is a perennial densely pubescent plant due to the presence of stellate branched hairs, has one or more stems and a strong branched short rhizome with fairly thick, long fleshy roots. The leaves are alternate, depending on the placement on the stem, have a different shape of the leaf blade. All Marshmallow leaves are greyish-green and pubescent. Althea flowers are located on pedicels, crowded at the top of the stem and placed on common peduncles. Fruits are small, disc-shaped prefabricated achenes. Seeds are dark brown, smooth, kidney-shaped. The plant blooms in the summer from June to August, the fruits ripen from July.
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