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Найдено 58 позиций
Norton A275OP PSA Adhesive Sandpaper Roll, 120 Grit Sandpaper, Woodworking and Automotive Sand Paper, 2-3/4 Inch Wide, Continuous Roll of 30 Yards
7 230 ₽
Шлифовальная губка 5X, зернистость 120, многоугольная, высокопроизводительная, гибкая
1 460 ₽
Norton K225 Metalite Abrasive Roll, Cloth Backing, Aluminum Oxide, Roll 1" Width x 10yd Length, Grit 180 (Pack of 1)
3 310 ₽
Norton K225 Metalite Abrasive Roll, Cloth Backing, Aluminum Oxide, 2" Width x 50yd Length, Grit P240 (Pack of 5)
3 020 ₽
Шлифовальная губка двойного угла 124 x 73 x 25 мм, с мелкой/средней зернистостью для гипсокартона
12 300 ₽
Тонкие гибкие абразивные подушки 220 грит, для округлых и контурных поверхностей, 2 штуки
2 870 ₽
Шлифовальный круг Norton Bear-Tex Rapid Finish 4-1/2" с волокнистой основой, 5/8"-11, карбид кремния
7 830 ₽
Шлифовальный круг из конволюции, 6x1,27x2,54 см, абразивный материал - карбид кремния, 6000 об/мин
12 130 ₽
Norton Metalite Cloth Backed Sandpaper Roll, 320 Grit Sandpaper, Woodworking and Automotive Sandpaper, 1-1/5 Inches Wide, Continuous Roll of 50 Yards
1 500 ₽
Norton QHP60 Quadroflex Curved Diamond Abrasive Hand Pad, Lightweight Conformable Backing, 3-1/2" Length x 2-1/8" Width, Grit 60
8 340 ₽
Norton Metalite Cloth Backed Sandpaper Roll, 150 Grit Sandpaper, Woodworking and Automotive Sandpaper, 1 Inch Wide, Continuous Roll of 50 Yards
1 580 ₽
Norton A275 No-Fil Adalox Abrasive Roll, Paper Backing, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, Aluminum Oxide, Waterproof, Roll 2-3/4" Width x 45yd Length, Grit 600 (Pack of 1)
10 450 ₽
Norton K225 Metalite Abrasive Roll, Cloth Backing, Aluminum Oxide, 1" Width x 50yd Length, Grit P100 (Pack of 5)
2 110 ₽
Norton A275 No-Fil Adalox Abrasive Roll, Paper Backing, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, Aluminum Oxide, Waterproof, Roll 4-1/2" Width x 10yd Length, Grit 120 (Pack of 1)
10 010 ₽
Шлифовальная губка 4-1/2" x 3-1/2" с абразивным покрытием и системой V-образных канавок
1 600 ₽
Norton A275 No-Fil Adalox Abrasive Roll, Paper Backing, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, Aluminum Oxide, Waterproof, Roll 2-3/4" Width x 45yd Length, Grit 150 (Pack of 1)
8 620 ₽
Norton Metalite Cloth Backed Sandpaper Roll, 220 Grit Sandpaper, Woodworking and Automotive Sandpaper, 1 Inch Wide, Continuous Roll of 50 Yards
6 420 ₽
Гибкий шлифовальный брусок 120 грит 5X для мелких участков с длительным сроком службы
1 360 ₽
Многослойная шлифовальная губка для мелких участков, 7 см x 10 см x 2,5 см, набор из 24 штук
6 280 ₽
Norton Saint Gobain Abrasives 66261126296 2in. x 50yds 150 Grit Metalite K225 Aluminum Oxide Abrasive Roll, Brown
9 860 ₽
Norton Abrasives 66261134302 - Uncut Sanding Roll - P180 Grit, Aluminum Oxide, 1 in Wide, 10 yd Long
4 520 ₽
Norton K225 Metalite Abrasive Roll, Cloth Backing, Aluminum Oxide, Roll 1" Width x 10yd Length, Grit 320 (Pack of 1)
4 140 ₽
Norton A275 No-Fil Adalox Abrasive Roll, Paper Backing, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, Aluminum Oxide, Waterproof, Roll 4-1/2" Width x 10yd Length, Grit 150 (Pack of 1)
8 590 ₽
Norton Metalite Cloth Backed Sandpaper Roll, 280 Grit Sandpaper, Woodworking and Automotive Sandpaper, 1 Inch Wide, Continuous Roll of 50 Yards
1 020 ₽
Norton A275 No-Fil Adalox Abrasive Roll, Paper Backing, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, Aluminum Oxide, Waterproof, Roll 2-3/4" Width x 45yd Length, Grit 240 (Pack of 1)
9 510 ₽
Norton QHP400 Quadroflex Curved Diamond Abrasive Hand Pad, Lightweight Conformable Backing, 3-1/2" Length x 2-1/8" Width, Grit 400 (Pack of 1)
5 050 ₽
600 штук абразивные губки для шлифовки 10,2 x 6,9 см, двусторонние, мелкая/средняя поверхность, 6 упаковок
1 400 ₽
Norton Metalite Cloth Backed Sandpaper Roll, 50 Grit Sandpaper, Woodworking and Automotive Sandpaper, 1 Inch Wide, Continuous Roll of 50 Yards
1 920 ₽
Norton K225 Metalite Abrasive Roll, Cloth Backing, Aluminum Oxide, Roll 1" Width x 10yd Length, Grit 150 (Pack of 1)
4 440 ₽